Aluminum Mill Brushes Used All Over North America

The brushes used for roll cleaning or finishing at aluminum mills are among the most complex industrial brushes being made in the country today. Our brushes have optimized density, crimp size, material and construction specifications to allow for improved heat transfer and bristle distribution, and ours are made with the most robust and secure methods in the industry. Our brushes are used in mills all over North America. If you’re not already a customer of ours, please give us a call and we’ll come to your mill and explain how our brushes will have longer life, at a lower cost, than those of your current brush provider.

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Why United?
Made in America
All our brushes are manufactured in our modern facility located in Plain City, Ohio.
We use state-of-the-art balancing equipment to ensure that our brushes run smoothly and vibration-free.
Our machine operators have an average of eight years of experience and have ongoing training to improve brush quality.
Contact our sales team
Our consultants are always available to help you pinpoint your needs more closely.